Tracing the Growth of NSE Shares

Look no further if you want to trace the growth of NSE shares in the unlisted market. NSE, or National Stock Exchange, has 2,190 listed shares for investors to buy or sell and make profits. However, NSE has not been listed on the exchange as it has not come with an IPO or initial public offering. One of the significant reasons for it is not getting the approval from SEBI for its DRHP or Direct Red Herring Prospectus from 2016 because of many reasons. But in the unlisted market, NSE has been one of the top performers to continuously rise in price for the past few years.
There are many reasons for it, like the existing stakeholders like SBI, LIC, and others unwilling to sell their shares and its rising demand among HNI or high net worth individuals, big and small investors, etc. They will make huge profits because of NSE’s diversification income from financial services and others, apart from the enormous income from investors and traders.
This blog will help you trace the growth of NSE stock price in the grey market for the past few years to make a wise investment decision to make huge profits in the future.
How did the NSE shares grow in the grey market?
NSE is the largest derivative exchange to yield a high revenue from transaction charges apart from other services. A few include listing companies, trading, clearing & settlement services, technology solutions, financial & educational offerings, etc. From around Rs. 1,700 crore net profit in 2019, it surpassed Rs. 7,300 crore in 2023. Hence, unlisted NSE shares, trading around 1,000 in 2020, have shot up to 3,700 in December 2023. From there, the phenomenal rise to Rs. 5,200 on February 9, 2024, is because of its upcoming IPO expected within a year.
Though NSE submitted its DRHP or direct red herring prospectus to SEBI in 2016, it is still pending approval. But NSE is taking all steps, like upgrading its technological infrastructure for glitch-free functioning and closing cases in courts, etc., to get approval from SEBI. Hence, there is a phenomenal growth in the unlisted NSE shares, which will only grow shortly.
What are the reasons for the rapid growth of NSE shares?
The following are the reasons for the rapid growth of NSE shares in the grey market in recent years, especially in the recent few weeks.
- Most of the big investors in the NSE, like SBI, LIC, etc, are not willing to liquidate their shares and prefer to wait for high returns from holding these shares.
- NSE may come out with its long-awaited IPO in 2024 as it fulfils the few guidelines laid out by SEBI by the year-end
- Many investors wait eagerly for the upcoming IPO, and most buy unlisted NSE shares to make short and long-term profits.
The above facts and reasons will provide a comprehensive trace of the growth of NSE shares in the grey market for you to make huge profits trading them on renowned online platforms.
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